Sunday, July 23, 2006

me being jakun

i want holidays! now! its so unfair..other uni-s have holidays and we're studying :( gaaah! how come help's holiday schedule so weird wan? oh well..on the bright side, only bout 7 more weeks to thestudy break..(yaay holidays!) tho study breaks aren't really holidays now are they? bleh
anyway, yesterday i went into a pet store, and i noticed something. nowadays, people don just sell your average dog or cat as pets anymore.. they have more bizzare animals. if i was jakun the other time when i saw a terrapin, then when i saw all the animals in the pet store, whoa! you should've seen my face! there were stuff like racoons and scorpions and monkeys and weird looking hybrids between kangaroos with rats( i think they're called kangaroo rats) funky looking birds, chamelions and a albino terrapin! and i tot i was amused when i saw the terrapin in esso then.. they really do have all sorsta animals for sale now do they?
oooh, the pic on top's the terrapin..pic's quality's kinda bad tho:(

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